Election results: 2024-2029

The European Parliament will publish the results of the 2024 European elections per Member State, as well as a projection of its composition on 9 June 2024. In full respect of national electoral laws, Parliament’s contractor Verian will establish EU and national seat projections. Available as of 20:15 GMT+2, the European overview will provide a first overall projection with global figures for the political groups based on the structure of the outgoing Parliament. National parties currently not represented in the European Parliament will be affiliated to a political group if they are officially affiliated with that group or a full member of in a European political party, registered with the Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations. We will display the available data as voting progressively finishes in the Member States. The projection will be updated until all Member States have ended voting and the final results have been published by the national election authorities.

In addition, from 18:00 GMT+2 and for those countries where voting has already ended, national pages will display the estimates by national parties and political groups, the breakdown of national parties and political groups in percentage and seats, as well as turnout data as announced by the national election authorities.

What is a “projection”? The projection of the European Parliament is an estimate of its composition resulting from the elections. Due to different voting times in EU countries, each projection on election night will be based on a combination of available data, ranging from non-official election data such as exit polls or estimates published in the Member States to official national election results. Data, regardless of which category, will only be published for Member States once voting has finished there. Verian, the Parliament’s contractor for the elections, is allocating the national results within the current political groups based on each country’s electoral law, delivering a projection of the complete breakdown of seats in the European Parliament. As the future composition of the elected Parliament and its political groups may not be anticipated ahead of the constitutive session, the projection of the composition of the Parliament is based on the structure of the outgoing Parliament.

What does “others” stand for? The projection of the Parliament´s composition is based on the structure of the outgoing Parliament and its political groups, without prejudice to the composition of the next Parliament at its constitutive session. National parties currently represented in the Parliament will be placed in the same political group as they are sitting in the outgoing Parliament. National parties currently not represented in the European Parliament will be affiliated to a political group if they are officially affiliated with that group or a full member of in a European political party, registered with the Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations. National parties that are currently neither represented in the European Parliament nor have any official affiliation with a European political party or political group are displayed in the category “others”, without any prejudice to their political orientation. As we cannot prejudge the group(s) they are going to affiliate with, this category is equally split on the left and on the right of the hemicycle in the graphic representation of the overall seat projection.

Find out how the European elections work